Monday, January 10, 2005

A yard (sale) closer to Australia

Yesterday we held our second yard sale, the first since we decided to move to Australia. The second garage was full of stuff we can manage to live without. Furniture, clothes, tools that require 110v, books that we'll probably not read again.

Drinking our coffee in bed in the morning, we decided to give the yard sale proceeds to Tsunami relief, starting with our big cache of spare change collected over seven years we've lived together in this house. People got into this and were generous. We raised about $530 from selling stuff and $138 from the spare change (via the Coinstar at Smiths). The money will go to the International Red Cross via the Socorro branch of the Bank of America on Monday morning.

Yard sales are wonderful ways to socialize - we got to meet some old friends and make some new ones. The universal reaction to our moving to Australia seems to be "Oh, I really want to go there - you are so lucky", which is pretty much how we feel about it.

Thanks to everyone who came and spent or just donated. If you are reading this and want to donate, here's the International Red Cross Site - go ahead, be impulsive :)


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