Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The power of music

I got this from Zoe. She got it from a friend on LiveJournal. Anyone know what the music is? Enjoy!


Update: My buddy Anton (formerly from Socorro but now in Bonn) says in his comment:

"very funny! that's what we expect from american when they get exposed to the rhythms of the "new europe". the song is called 'dragostea din tei' by a band called "O Zone" (from poland I hear). why do I know this, you ask? just showed the flic to our au pair from latvia, sarmite. she is an expert on this genre. and to boot: she has been teaching our sons the moves. the kids, needless to say, think that the music their parents listen to is boring..."

Update 2: Here are the Romanian and English lyrics.

Update 3: His name is Gary Brolsma and he's from New Jersey!

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