Thursday, September 27, 2007

Boatie dies trying to dodge sturgeon

I mercilessly make fun of the Australian habit of adding "IE" to almost any word to personalize it, and here I am again.... The title of an Australian newspaper article describes a sad event, and indeed it is. But somehow, turning a "Boater" into a "Boatie"... well, I can't help but find it amusing. For example, "The truckie gave a pressie of sunnies to the postie." I'm surprised they didn't call the sturgeon a "fishie". I give you further proof that Australian slang was developed by three-year-olds.

Of course, being me and after looking at the title a bit, I realized it could be interpreted in a couple of ways (if you take creative license as I do). As you can see, Boatie can be boa-tie. Which brings us to the photo below. (Not my photo, just one courtesy of a Google image search.)

Now this is one helluva "bowtie", er, I mean boa tie. Get it?

Cheers, Judi

PS: Feeling kinda silly this morning!

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