Friday, October 19, 2007

Finally, We're Permanent Residents!

Tim got the email from our immigration caseworker just last night. After several last minute requests for various missing forms or information, we were approved.

Even when your employer is requesting the permanent residency on your behalf, and the employer is CSIRO, application is still a long and arduous process - especially when you are both over 50 and one of you has a mental health problem and can't work. Tim had to get his heart checked out (I could have TOLD them he has a good heart), but would they listen to me? I had to meet with an independent psychiatrist who could verify that I was an unlikely axe-murderer, and besides, I couldn't possibly be any crazier than the "Chaser" guys are, right?

An applicant also has to prove they aren't currently married to more than one person (assuming they aren't Muslim or Fundamentalist Mormans, I guess). We had to write to the US for our divorce decrees (Tim's one decree and my two - yeah, I have a somewhat crazy past, so deal with it.) You also have to get criminal checks from your State and the US FBI.

So all in all, applying for permanent residency is an expensive and complicated and stressful process and we are really glad it's over with a positive outcome.

We're excited because we love living in Australia, and now it even feels more like "home." I'm glad they didn't deny me because I'm a somewhat crazy old person... although, from what I've heard about certain Australian politicians....

Cheers and G'Day Mate and No Worries!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tim and Judi! I know exactly what you mean about the horrid paperwork, and being glad it's over.

BTW, thanks for the comment on my blog. I thought of you guys when we drove through Thornleigh on our way up to the Central Coast. It's such a beautiful area of Sydney and I don't blame you for loving it. :)

You're absolutely right about what happened to my husband re: his former job, unfortunately the law is on the company's side up here. Oh well. On to bigger and better things!

Cheers and glad you are doing well!