Thursday, June 9, 2005

"I'm not a'scared of no stinkin' death adder!"

While my handsome and brilliant husband is reading, or rather listening to Homer, I research nature's instruments of death such as: the Death Adder, the Funnel-Web Spider, the Red-Bellied Black Snake, and killer Cone Shells. My interest was piqued on the day our house sale settled. I met a neighbor on the street who said he bought his land 33 years ago to the day. He mentioned that sometime in the last eight years, he has found both a red-bellied black snake and a six meter python in his back yard - remember, he lives right down the street from us!! I wish he hadn't told me about his reptile adventures, since I have only just recovered from my first close encounter with a huge Huntsman Spider in my kitchen. These spiders are large enough to carry you off, but fortunately they are considered low risk (non toxic to humans) and non-aggressive -- although if cornered can give you a painful bite.

Sammy, Karma and I still make daily visits to the local dog park (in Westleigh, NSW). It's a great place for me to socialize and meet new people and for the dogs to exercise without leashes. Unfortunately, during our last three visits, a Basenji attacked Sammy (she has also attacked other dogs in the past). Her "Mom" is good about grabbing her and taking her home right away -- her punishment is "time out" in the "Sin Bin." We hope this is a temporary attitude problem and that she will improve her manners. My two furry pacifists don't appreciate this kind of behavior, and Sammy has taken to staying close when "Bowie" the Basenji stops by.

Just a note: No word from the movers for several days. So close yet so far.


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