Thursday, June 23, 2005

Time for a vacation....

Originally uploaded by Judi Blue.
I guess you can see here why I haven't posted for a while. Our house is filled with full boxes, empty boxes or "stuff". Too much stuff. It's an eye-opening experience to move from a home with two double garages, a large kitchen, three large closets and a walk-in to a home with one small closet, one small walk-in, a small kitchen and a carport for storage. This after four garage sales. Who says we're materialistic!? Actually, most of the "stuff" is like the thirty miscellaneous coffee mugs we couldn't bear to part with because of the memories associated with each.

I am taking action to combat the overload. I have bought garment racks to store/hang clothing, assembled various storage units, and I am even buying a huge wooden storage unit/wardrobe that I "won" on EBay. Don't ask how I expect to get this to our house - I haven't figured that out yet.

It's overwhelming, so I set small goals for myself each day. At least I can find one neat and clean corner - one.


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