Monday, December 24, 2007

Sammy closeup

Sometimes it's hard to make out Sammy's face (or much of anything beyond a mass of black) in photos. Here's a nice closeup, taken at the Bayview leash free area.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Bertie and Hillary

This says it better than I ever could.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Gum Tree Fell Onto Our Neighbors House!

Really. We were in the way of a bad hailstorm last Sunday. Fortunately, our damage was minimal except for some dings on my car. In nearby suburbs, the hailstones were as big as cricket balls - ours were not quite that big.

The speck of blue in there is our very nice neighbor, David. (Pronounced with a spanish accent because he's from Chile.)

I say "our" damage, because "our" gigantic tree fell onto "our" neighbor's roof. As I speak, it is still resting on their roof and a huge branch of it is resting on our carport roof. The emergency services guys came to check it out after the storm and said they would have to get a crane to remove it. We sort of thought that might be done on Monday, but.... I guess there are a lot of big trees to move after that storm. Tim was at home when the tree fell, but didn't hear it. He said the wind and sound of the hail was so noisy that it was all he could hear. Our theory is that one particularly forceful gust of wind knocked over the tree at the base - no roots at all! It was growing among some large boulders, so I don't think the root system was at all extensive.

Cheers, Judi

My New Pasttime (read: Therapy)

I call these things Twigs. I invented them. Most of them are either hanging or standing earrings trees, the others are mobiles. The mobiles are best seen in motion because they spin and bobble and sparkle. I'm really enjoying making these things - it's relaxing and creative and all that good stuff. They are also natural - wood, willow, cane, collected sea shells and bird feathers.

As I am writing this a huge Yellow crested Cockatoo keeps trying to raid the bird feeder on the balcony. You try not to encourage these birds because if you later stop feeding them, they will destroy your house - no kidding! This particular cockatoo is quite persistent and I'm getting pissed off! So with luck I might have a whole new stash of large white feathers for my mobiles! (Just kidding. I couldn't hurt a fly.)

Cheers, Judi