Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh, funny funny funny

Domestic Goddess, That's Me OK

Anyone who knows me would say that "Domestic Goddess" is not, well, me. Housework isn't my favorite thing to do, and I am clutter challenged. I am trying hard to improve my cleaning and decluttering skills, and with so many resources on the internet, how can I fail? There is on my newsreader, and I faithfully watch the Canadian TV Show, Neat. So what have I learned. Lots. Am I improving? Everyone has to start somewhere.

So I have my own little segment of cleaning wisdom I'm going to pass along to you. I invented this myself, so if anyone else uses my "secret" formula, then I get all rights for it. I developed the secret recipe, because I don't like the smell of vinegar - who does? The secret recipe is for homemade, eco-friendly window washing liquid. Ready?

Take a spray bottle (I always recycle my old ones and use them until they die.). So assume you have an empty spray bottle the size of a Windex Bottle. Put in about 1/4 cup of white or cleaning vinegar, fill the bottle with water, and the secret ingredient..... ta dah.... add about 1/2 capful of Eucalyptus Oil. Shake it up Baby! Get your trusty microfibre rag out (I hate using paper towels.), spray your mixture on the window to be washed, and rub. It's best to use a second rag to dry. Not only does this mixture smell good and fresh, but it works incredibly well - leaves the window shiny, streak-free - and best of all, it's fast and easy. I am actually enjoying washing windows now, go figure...

So you heard it here first, from the Domestic Goddess in Training....

Cheers, Judi

Joey Possum, etc.

So, I can't seem to get it right. Last Saturday night, we went to see and hear the John Butler Trio, not the John Bishop Trio like I wrote in my last post. Do you remember Joey Bishop, US comedian, from days of yore? Somehow I have the "JB" stuck in my brain, and so poor John Butler is misrepresented as Joey... well, Bishop. So let me tell you about the chubby possum who has been visiting us lately with her little Joey in the pouch.........

Stick a basketball between your legs... now try running on a narrow railing with your mouth full. That's our Momma Possum - delicate and light footed, she ain't. I really hope she doesn't meet the same fate as the poor popped possum I found a few weeks ago.

Here's one little Joey getting a ride.

With love, Judi

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Catching Up....

I just received an email from an old friend and neighbor (from home town Weston, Mass. USA). She saw our blog mentioned on the WHS alumni website and kindly sent an e-hello. This surprise contact served to remind me that a blog is a way to stay in touch or get in touch, and hence, worthwhile to keep up on a more timely basis.

News: As you know, Gavin graduated UTD with flying colors, and has already accepted his first "real job!" He's moving to outside of Washington, DC (Gaithersburg, Maryland), and will be an associate chemist. Moving to the east coast after growing up in New Mexico and living in Dallas, Texas, ought to be eye-opening. I think Zoe is going to join him for the ride east which should make for a fun trip, especially if they take some time to check out the country on the way.

Sad news: A couple of weeks ago as I was pulling out of my driveway, I noticed a dead animal on the grass near the road. Sadly, it was a dead possum. More sadly, it was a mama possum. I have been told to look inside a "dead" possum's pouch if it's a female, to check for offspring, and this girl had a dead baby. My friend, Jenny, said that a baby possum with no hair is called a "pinky." If they are more developed they would be called a "joey." This baby was a pinky, but fully formed. It was fascinating to be able to look into a pouch like this, but it was also upsetting. I later called Tim in tears. I think the possum, a brushtail, must have been hit by a car. It had a ridged imprint along the fur on it's side, but no other signs of trauma.

Tim and I will be going to hear the John Bishop Trio on Saturday night. We're looking forward to it. They have a great sound that you just have to move to.

I just got involved with a new "cause." It's called Barking Mad. Barking Mad is an organization that advocates for "Access Rights" for dog owners. Australian's love affair with dogs is only surpassed by the US. Even the UK comes in third! However, there are very few places in Australia where you can take your dog without being fined. Barking Mad is trying to get councils to allow dogs on more beaches... anywhere. I'll keep you informed on how we do, but the "packleader" is originally from the US and I'll tell you.... "I wouldn't want to get in her way!" This girl gets things done!

With love, Judi