Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'm still here....

Tim has been doing all of the blog writing, so you might think that my life has been dull. Well, you would be absolutely right - my life HAS been dull. My car is still in Albuquerque getting hail damage repaired, so Tim and I are sharing the Rodeo, which means I'm at home a lot. The body shop told me that four roofs have been shipped to them and each one was damaged. Hmmmm, do I buy that? They also told me the repairs would take 2-3 weeks.... and yesterday was week five!

I do actually have some activities planned before the big move. On March 1, I'm traveling to Santa Fe to meet a friend. She is the ex-wife of my crazy, abusive and sociopath ex-husband. I got to know her because I went to Durango ten years ago to testify at a trial so that she could keep sole custody of her son. Unfortunately, my testimony was not allowed because the judge was the lawyer who had handled my divorce from "crazy man." A small conflict of interest. Anyway, Sarah and I have remained friends by phone calls and emails. She was even sworn in as a CASA volunteer in Cody, Wyoming a few days ago. Way to go Sarah! I'm looking forward to spending a day or two with her in person.

Another planned trip when I get my car returned (or at least a loaner) is to Clovis, NM. Robyn and I are going to visit an "ex-CASA kid" who lives in a group home there. She and I have been keeping in touch by phone or email since she was our CASA kid five years ago. Now that she is 17 (how they grow!), I am concerned what she will do when she turns 18 and is emancipated. Her mother is her legal guardian, but I don't believe that she has done much to move this child forward. "CASA kid" even graduates from high school in May, even though she needs summer school classes to make up lost credits. I haven't told her that I'm leaving yet, because I thought it would be best to tell her in person and with Robyn there. She likes Robyn a lot. I will miss her. Despite the many problems that she needs to continue to work on (caused by incredible child abuse), she's quite a lovable character!

Most of my time is spent vacuuming, etc. so that our house will be in good order for potential buyers. I am becoming concerned that we might not sell the house prior to our move. In that case, we will have to rent in Australia and perhaps rent out the Socorro house. Tim's attitude which I think is a good one can be summed up by what he sang out this morning: Que sera, sera!!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Weekend in Colorado Springs

I spent the weekend visiting Zoe. We had a lot of fun. Ate out at P.F. Changs (the Orange Peel Shrimp is really good) and at the India Gardens (Masala Dosa is amazing). Went to see "Sideways". And shopped at The Book Broker.

On Saturday morning, Zoe and I drove up to Pike's Peak and enjoyed the snow:


The power of music

I got this from Zoe. She got it from a friend on LiveJournal. Anyone know what the music is? Enjoy!


Update: My buddy Anton (formerly from Socorro but now in Bonn) says in his comment:

"very funny! that's what we expect from american when they get exposed to the rhythms of the "new europe". the song is called 'dragostea din tei' by a band called "O Zone" (from poland I hear). why do I know this, you ask? just showed the flic to our au pair from latvia, sarmite. she is an expert on this genre. and to boot: she has been teaching our sons the moves. the kids, needless to say, think that the music their parents listen to is boring..."

Update 2: Here are the Romanian and English lyrics.

Update 3: His name is Gary Brolsma and he's from New Jersey!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Want to buy a house?

We decided to use a realtor. Here's our house.


Sunday, February 6, 2005


I'd like to see this when it's done.



As planned, I resigned as President of the board of RGVCASA this week. It's been three years since we started the program here in Socorro. During those three years I was the president (ah, the sheer power!). I enjoyed being able to help the program go from an idea to an actuality but it's good to pass it on to someone else. One of our volunteers and recently a board member, Madelyn Klatt, is taking on the job. I'm really pleased that she decided to agree to be elected. She's a real volunteer - someone who steps up when there is something to be done.

Unfortunately RGVCASA is also losing our great Executive Director, Lynnette Carter. Her husband, who is a store manager for ALCO, has been asked to move to manage the ALCO store in Springerville. He's there already and she (and the family) will have to move there very soon. I hope we can find someone even close to Lynnette in dedication, ability, and sheer good heart. (See I'm still saying "we" - it'll take a while).


Mileura : See a Long Way

I really like this picture of Mileura:

Mileura has been chosen to site a number of new radio telescopes designed to see far out into the universe. How appropriate then that "Mileura" means "See a Long way".



I'm amazed by the difference between world as seen by the US and by the rest of the world. Just read this blog and compare it to what we've heard from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc. over the last week.

Truly amazing. And scary.
