Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Angels of Mercy

Angels of Mercy
Originally uploaded by Judi Blue.
This is Brian (left) and Glenn (the other side). They are removal experts from Ambrose and Sons and they are moving our things into our house as I type this. Bless their hearts. Now for the unpacking - YUCK!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog after I saw it recommended on my Yahoo Group by one of my Group Members. I have really enjoyed it! I moved to Australia..from the October 2004..and it has been, shall we say, interesting! I'd love to have you join our Group, if you'd like to, and share your stories/thoughts/tips there, too. If you're interested, just click on the link after my signature. If not, that's ok, too! Good luck on all your endeavors! Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us!


Anonymous said...

Hum - I've been following your move with interest. You guys seem to have been having an exceptionally difficult time! As someone who has moved a household between Europe and North America three times I can understand what you've been going through, but I've never had my container lost / not picked up on time etc!

From someone who knows Tim.