Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Cape Town

I just came back from a week long trip to Cape Town to work with the computing group of the Karoo Array Telescope. I had a very good time working and also enjoyed some side trips. One was a day of winetasting in the wine regions around Cape Town. They have some really excellent wine. I also spent an evening driving around, ending up at Camps Bay:

This looks a lot like the Sandias in Albuquerque in the evening - the same watermelon coloured mountains which is what Sandia means. Turning around though, we see the sea:

Cape Town is a lot like Sydney - a truly spectacular physical setting with lots of beautiful green suburbs. The long recovery from apartheid still continues though and the poverty is everywhere (unlike Sydney). However, South Africa has a good rate of economic growth and a reasonable government (apart from AIDS). They certainly are friendly to radio astronomy as reflected in the resources that they are putting into their bid to get the Square Kilometre Array in South Africa. The government sees this as a way to bolster high tech in the country. It's interesting that many of the people associated with the project were formerly defense contractors - now that's a fine change to encourage.

I expect to be going back fairly often and I'm looking forward to it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like a gorgeous place. I'm glad that the trip went well.

And wine-tasting? How is this part of your job?

Love you both