Friday, August 24, 2007

Domestic Goddess, That's Me OK

Anyone who knows me would say that "Domestic Goddess" is not, well, me. Housework isn't my favorite thing to do, and I am clutter challenged. I am trying hard to improve my cleaning and decluttering skills, and with so many resources on the internet, how can I fail? There is on my newsreader, and I faithfully watch the Canadian TV Show, Neat. So what have I learned. Lots. Am I improving? Everyone has to start somewhere.

So I have my own little segment of cleaning wisdom I'm going to pass along to you. I invented this myself, so if anyone else uses my "secret" formula, then I get all rights for it. I developed the secret recipe, because I don't like the smell of vinegar - who does? The secret recipe is for homemade, eco-friendly window washing liquid. Ready?

Take a spray bottle (I always recycle my old ones and use them until they die.). So assume you have an empty spray bottle the size of a Windex Bottle. Put in about 1/4 cup of white or cleaning vinegar, fill the bottle with water, and the secret ingredient..... ta dah.... add about 1/2 capful of Eucalyptus Oil. Shake it up Baby! Get your trusty microfibre rag out (I hate using paper towels.), spray your mixture on the window to be washed, and rub. It's best to use a second rag to dry. Not only does this mixture smell good and fresh, but it works incredibly well - leaves the window shiny, streak-free - and best of all, it's fast and easy. I am actually enjoying washing windows now, go figure...

So you heard it here first, from the Domestic Goddess in Training....

Cheers, Judi

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