Friday, August 24, 2007

Joey Possum, etc.

So, I can't seem to get it right. Last Saturday night, we went to see and hear the John Butler Trio, not the John Bishop Trio like I wrote in my last post. Do you remember Joey Bishop, US comedian, from days of yore? Somehow I have the "JB" stuck in my brain, and so poor John Butler is misrepresented as Joey... well, Bishop. So let me tell you about the chubby possum who has been visiting us lately with her little Joey in the pouch.........

Stick a basketball between your legs... now try running on a narrow railing with your mouth full. That's our Momma Possum - delicate and light footed, she ain't. I really hope she doesn't meet the same fate as the poor popped possum I found a few weeks ago.

Here's one little Joey getting a ride.

With love, Judi

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