Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Well, we sold the house last week. At least we've agreed to the price and signed the contract. Closing will be some time in April. It's going to a very nice couple who seem to appreciate it a lot, which is nice. We really enjoyed living here.

We're still waiting on the visa. Getting kind of nervous now, I must say. I'm not sure what we'll do if the visa gets turned down for some reason. There's always Walmart, I guess.

We're now selling the TV and TiVo. I hope these don't go too quickly. I want to watch some more soccer before I leave.

The going away parties have started. Last Friday I went to beer/pizza with the e2e guys from work. Lots of fun, and Honglin gave me a great stamp with my name in Chinese (Timothy translates to Heaven's Eye). Tomorrow I have the traditional cake and punch extravaganza at NRAO.

My office is mainly packed up. I mostly just have to take the boxes back home to be loaded into our container. I got rid of a lot of old files - mostly management related.

That's about it for now.


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