Wednesday, May 4, 2005

The big day

Today we move into the new house and get the dogs. We'll have some Ikea furniture, including a bed, delivered this afternoon so hopefully we'll be able to sleep at the house tonight. Tomorrow the cable will be connected and we'll get the TV and stereo (the very foundation of the Maslow pyramid of needs). Perhaps I'll be able to watch the soccer this weekend.

We're both excited to get the dogs out of the slammer. I fear that Sammy will have become embittered and suspicious - think Bogart in "High Sierra". Karma will be fine as long as we find something white for him to confuse with a sheep.

Our money is coming across the electric wires slowly ("Across the electric wires/the message came/he is no better/he is much the same" - a famously bad poem from the Victorian era). We have about 40% of it and can make the down payment. The rest should be here before we get all the other paperwork done.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something you might want to look into is the first time homeowner's grant ($7000) and the corresponding stamp duty exemption (many $k), or maybe you already know about them?

Cheers, Ron