Friday, May 13, 2005

Ramblings on settling in...

My new morning routine consists of walking the dogs in the neighborhood, alternating days with visits to the dog park. The walks have been good to get us in shape. The dogs were essentially inactive for one month while in quarantine, and I was... well, lazy.

Just now, Sammy barked at something down the street, and then I heard a loud squawk. I don't know what Sammy was upset about, but the two rainbow lorikeets feeding on the pawpaw rinds (that are in a hanging basket on the balcony) were irritated about the disturbance. Four feet away from a barking black furry thing and the birds did not budge. Surprisingly, Sammy doesn't seem at all interested in them either.

I might have seen a Satin Bowerbird this morning. (At least that is the only bird in our book that looks like the one I saw.) It was just meters away and since it didn't move I thought it might be hurt or sick, but it finally flew to a nearby bush. Even if this bird is not a Satin Bowerbird, they are interesting to read about - the males are so romantic - they bring courtship to a whole new level!

I was lamenting recently about how much I missed cold juice (no refrigerator). Then I thought about people who don't even have food. Then I decided not to whine anymore.

The dog park is interesting. It's a great place to meet people (and of course, dogs). However, I think that Sammy and Karma are the only non-pedigreed canines. Australians seem interested in Karma who is part Border Collie and part Australian Shepherd. Several Border Collies are regular visitors to the park; however, did you know that the Australian Shepherd is not even Australian? It appears to be an American "breed". Go figure! ... I introduce Sammy as a "Spoodle" (Poodle/Cocker Spaniel mix). There are many varieties of the "mixed poodle breed" such as: labradoodle, lahsadoodle, and so on.

Tim turns 50 in five days - May 18th. What do you get someone who has just bought a house, a home entertainment system, a wide screen TV, an incredible coffee maker, etc? Spiritual enlightenment? (Suggestions are welcome!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you get someone who has just bought a house, a home entertainment system, a wide screen TV, an incredible coffee maker, etc? Spiritual enlightenment? (Suggestions are welcome!)

Don't know what y'all are into, but one of the best presents my MIL got when she turned 50 was tickets to a real opera at the Opera House; she'd never been inside of it before! :-)