Saturday, May 7, 2005

Ten thousand desires

I didn't post last night because we watched a movie, Samsara. One always wonders about the Buddha's family who he left to seek enlightenment. In Samsara, a young Tibetan monk finds enlightenment but then finds his carnal desires coming to the forefront. He falls for a beautiful woman and chooses to leave the monastery. Memorable lines from the movie - "is it better to satisfy ten thousand desires than to conquer one?" - "how does one stop a single water drop from drying up?". The movie is set in Tibet but filmed in Ladakh. The landscape is startlingly beautiful and much like New Mexico: huge vistas and snowcapped mountains. The soundtrack is worth listening to just by itself. We give the movie two thumbs up.

We will continue to satisfy our own ten thousand desires today. We have yet to buy a fridge, washer and dryer, office furniture, etc. I'm not sure what desire we have conquered. Judi bought Karma a doggy bed which he is now using after spending some time sleeping next to it. The dogs seem to have survived Eastern Creek with the only apparent consequence being some loss of conditioning. They'll get this back in a few days of running with the dogs at the leash free park.

A kookabura has just started up his racket outside (it's 6am here). I'm off to make some coffee.


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