Sunday, January 8, 2006

Picking Up Nasty Hitchhikers

Tim and the dogs went for a walk in the bush this morning and inadvertently brought home a few Republican Lobbyists and Politicians, oops, I mean bloodsucking leeches. I first saw one on Karma's foot and removed it. I then suggested to Tim that he might check himself - yuck, three inside his sock! Those things go through fiber like it's not even there. One or two had made contact, because he had a slow bleed around the ankle for a good 45 minutes. Karma got the worst of it, and we've been finding the slimy buggers slinking across the rugs here and there. Since a good dose of salt is the recommended exterminant -- well, you probably know about the blood and stuff. Surely you've seen The African Queen?!!

Moving onto films... We saw King Kong last night. Think of 3 1/2 hours of watching giant killer leeches, and you'll get the gist of this movie. Tim will probably think this is unfair and untrue, since he totally enjoyed it. Moi? Basically it was 3 1/2 hours of pouring sweat, tense muscles and tears (or near tears). If the theater chairs would have allowed it, I'd have spent the time curled up in a fetal position.

If you like gore, you'll like this movie - primitive peoples bashing heads and offering a cute blonde to the evil Kong, giant human eating squidlike things sucking in the head of some poor sailor, and bodies being thrown against walls and the ground by the giant ape - too many to count. The special effects were incredible and the subtle expressions of the ape would break your heart, but it was one of the most exhausting movies I've watched in many years. I'm not really a blood and guts kind of movie watcher anyway, so you should really ask Tim for his review of the film.

One last thought... After three hours or so, they still hadn't moved onto NY and the Empire State Building from the terrifying prehistoric island; and if they made the cute blonde (Kong's significant other) climb any more flights of stairs (wearing stilettos) on the top of the Empire State Building.... well, I was ready to shoot her myself. Reviewers comment: ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!

Cheers, Judi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Judi, I thought it was too long & dragged out. At the end, we were tempted to shout, "Jump! Jump!" at the distraught heroine. Ah well.