Monday, January 23, 2006

This Bobbin Head Ain't Noddin' Off

It has been two nights now of little to no sleep. I don't know what is causing my insomnia, but I want it to stop now! I thought yesterday after an afternoon of kayaking and no sleep the night before.... anyway, please bear with my "brain-deadness."

One thing I suggest that you not do if you desire a restful night is read Amazing Australia's on-line account of shark attacks, crocodile attacks, spider attacks, snakes, and so forth. If I weren't so darn good at dissociating, I wouldn't leave my home - ever! - but I AM a good dissociator, so I just won't think about it! I'll float around on my little blue kayak and I just won't think about the sharks, the 4-5 meter "bull" sharks, sliding through the dark water beneath me waiting to jump up and bite my boat in half! Ugh!

Speaking of kayaking, Tim and I went boating on Sunday afternoon. We went to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park at Bobbin Head and paddled (at high tide) through the mangroves. It was beautiful. (Not my photo - but it gives you an idea of what it's like.)

Tim is.... hmmmmmm... upright challenged. He's capsized more than the Titanic has been made into movies. This was a particularly funny capsize, especially since I just caught the part where his white hat is flying and his orange kayak is bobbing without it's skipper and he is just past an overhanging branch. The scenario in my head was that he ran smack into the branch and was knocked out of the boat. What he "said" happened is that he was leaning back to clear the branch and lost his balance. In any case, it was very funny.

Cheers, Judi

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